The RHP-8000 is a high power, gated amplifier with an integrated RF synthesizer for generating tone burst signals, and broadband RF receiver offering superior performance and flexibility for demanding, high penetration ultrasonic testing applications. The RHP-8000 is capable of working as a stand alone unit or as an integrated part of a larger system in research, educational, or industrial applications.
High Power Pulser:
- 200 kHz to 6 MHz Frequency Range
- Sine Wave Burst
- Burst width 1 to 100 cycles of RF
- Internal/External trigger
- Maximum of 10 ns jitter of RF output burst with respect to leading edge of incoming trigger pulse when in EXT trigger mode
- RF Output amplitude will stay within ± 1.0 dB over a temperature range of 0 to 30°C
- RF output frequency stability to be better than 1% over entire temperature range
- Ethernet / LAN Control Interface
- Instrument controls integrated into Matec’s Aragorn software
Broadband Receiver:
- 200 KHz to 20 MHz Bandwidth
- 80 dB Gain
- ± 0.5 dB Gain accuracy
- Selectable Input Impedance: 50 Ώ or HI-Z (5K Ώ).
- Output Impedance: 50 ohms
- Selectable Rectification: Full wave, + half wave, -half wave
- Filters: 8 High Pass, 8 Low Pass, 4 Video
- Staus Indicators: Over current, Over emperature, Received trigger, HV On, HV Fuse OK